Blue Horizons

Blue Horizons
Blue Horizons

Her movements were slow and sure, and each touch of the fabric gave her a feeling of warmth and comfort. She wanted the hammock to be even cozier and fit for a pleasant rest after a long journey. But her attention was constantly distracted by the splendor outside the window. The view of the ocean was breathtaking, and she couldn't tear herself away from that beautiful picture.

Her movements were slow and sure, and each touch of the fabric gave her a feeling of warmth and comfort. She wanted the hammock to be even cozier and fit for a pleasant rest after a long journey. But her attention was constantly distracted by the splendor outside the window. The view of the ocean was breathtaking, and she couldn't tear herself away from that beautiful picture.


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Premium: JPEG · 1.05 MB · 1280×1920 · Portrait
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© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2024.
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