Art Amidst Nature
Art Amidst Nature

Georgiy SigalGeorgiy Sigal

A deep connection between nature and female beauty, revealing their uniqueness and versatility. It reminds us of the importance of noticing the small details that are hidden in the world around us and teaches us to see true beauty not only in the outer appearance but also in the depths of our souls. Inspired by philosophical reflections and poetic images, this series emphasizes perfection, inspiring us to appreciate every moment and find beauty in the most unexpected places.

A deep connection between nature and female beauty, revealing their uniqueness and versatility. It reminds us of the importance of noticing the small details that are hidden in the world around us and teaches us to see true beauty not only in the outer appearance but also in the depths of our souls. Inspired by philosophical reflections and poetic images, this series emphasizes perfection, inspiring us to appreciate every moment and find beauty in the most unexpected places.

originaltranslatetranslatedshow original
L'art au milieu de la nature
L'art au milieu de la nature
L'art au milieu de la nature
L'art au milieu de la nature
L'art au milieu de la nature
L'art au milieu de la nature
L'art au milieu de la nature
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© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2024.
Tous les droits pour l'ensemble et/ou partiellement: contenu graphique (photos, vidéos, illustrations), intrigues/histoires, matériaux textuels uniques, fichiers audio/contenu audio, code de programme correspondant, qui ont été utilisés et/ou sont utilisés dans l'application mobile "NYMF" et/ou toutes ses modifications, additions, modifications originales et aussi sur les services, sont le résultat de la créativité individuelle et appartiennent à D.I. Dubnitskiy (sous le nom de plume de David Dubnitskiy).
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