Abandoned Car Garage
Abandoned Car Garage

David DubnitskiyDavid Dubnitskiy

Every time I run a two-day photography workshop, I try to pick out an interesting location for its practical part. This time, the photoshoot was planned in Kiev. The workshop organizer offered me an extraordinary place – an abandoned bus garage, an unusual large concrete building dating back to the USSR, which is now home to over 400 written-off buses.

Read the whole story in descriptions below the photos.

Every time I run a two-day photography workshop, I try to pick out an interesting location for its practical part. This time, the photoshoot was planned in Kiev. The workshop organizer offered me an extraordinary place – an abandoned bus garage, an unusual large concrete building dating back to the USSR, which is now home to over 400 written-off buses.

Read the whole story in descriptions below the photos.

Abandoned Car Garage
Abandoned Car Garage
Abandoned Car Garage
Abandoned Car Garage
Abandoned Car Garage
Abandoned Car Garage
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© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2024.
All rights for the whole and/or partial: graphic content (photos, videos, illustrations), plots/stories, single text materials, audio files/audio content, corresponding program code, that were used and/or are being used in the mobile application "NYMF" and/or all its original changes, additions, modifications and also on services https://dubnitskiy.com, https://nymf.com are the result of individual creativity and belong to D.I. Dubnitskiy (under the pen name of David Dubnitskiy).
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